Historic, archived document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. Fe Se au ees Ndi Red af, - CONTRIBUTIONS TOWARD “A FLORA OF NEVADA. NO. 21. ~ SAURURACEAE OF NEVADA by 0, M. FREEMAN December 6, 1940 “Issued by / The Division of Plant Exploration and Introduction, Bureau of Plant Industry, U..S. Department of Agriculture, } ‘Washington, D. C. Work. Projects Administration of Nevada, Projects, 0. P. 65-2-04-13, W. P. 656; 0. Ps L6H-2 04-27, We Py 752. Collaborator University of Nevada Address all querieS concerning this publication to the Division of Plant Exploration and Introduction, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. a A eye Cee ee ayy : rere at OUP eer CONTRIBUTIONS TOWARD A FLORA OF NEVADA. NO. 21. SAURURACEAE OF NEVADA by O. M. FREEMAN December 6, 1940 Issued by The Division of Plant Exploration and Introduction, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Work Projects Administration of Nevada, Projects, 0. P. 65-2-O4-13, Ww. P. 658; O. P. 165-2-04-21, W. P. 752. Collaborator ‘ f University of Nevada Address all queries concerning this publication to the Division of Plant Exploration and Introduction, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. re SAURURACEAE OF NEVADA By 0. M Freeman Our single species, a perennial stoloniferous herb. Scape- like stem bearing leaves at a point above the middle. The bract- eate perfect flowers borne in a dense terminal spike; stamens 5 to 8, perianth none. Ovary l-celled, with 3 parietal placentae. Fruit a capsule, dehiscent at the apex, 1. ANEMOPSIS Hook. Yerba mansa. Rootstock aromatic and astringent, The leaves mostly radical and long petiolate. Flowers in a conic-cylindrical spike, sub- tended by a 5- to 8-bracted white involucre. Each flower of the spike is also subtended by a single white small bract. Ovary de- pressed in the body of the spike; styles usually 3. 1. ANEMOPSIS CALIFORNICA (Nutt.) Hook. & Arn. Bot. Beechey Voy. 390. pl. 92. 1841. Anemia californica Nutt. Ann. Nat. Hist. 1: 136. 1838. Stems 2 to 6 dm. high, bearing a broad ovate bract-like clasping leaf above the middle of the stem and 1 to 4 small petiolate leaves are borne in the axil. Radical leaves elliptic-oblong, obtuse at apex, and more or less cordate at bios odd avoda: tater: » tH sonal pate a . S aatere § shoe, inte bain otek pal oonted sreentt av ae) _ wetnonady Late trey |? atin ; be Lh 20-4 Hn ' ‘ * 2 Ul * 4 % r) fay Py re re ] wmtuw. pela Lap rhe Dery. poo en exh ; , j RTS re PW ath id dae ise a 4D) tp air es base; blades 5 to 20 cm. long with petioles 3 to 20 cm. long. Involucral bracts oblong, 12 to 30 mm, long and the obovate floral bracts + to 6 mm long. Wet soil in low ground and near springs. Southern Nevada (Clark and Lincoln Counties) to Texas and southern California. Also in Mexico. | | aed woe Riva: ayanent | yl ; : ‘ geen mentee Bent: “nao ae Lope dents - a as =4 H abe be leek Hetelal eyegt whe 45 e " Tight ree bis ete ef sel a tae od la + y eR RT I, Pt nib Ati eiedalice rinlnichtetehe strsiainoetettashinenntast ase Dinhabsietebedbabshaboaler nett eee TEN eee pavesteneaaner genteel Het aisheinlitter ceertet br vebene ba rhs eee liek Lager dee: heeft hes ny ; nev tip ce et a eather ibieioes naa beper) bated sah ayn ae ehh eet thant) py: ny sepa 4 oh cake s bhed shahenela is ie Biptalnrehenatcices ites ed, piper ni te thai vibibdatolan aise Ten at ataauasted eniarestce late aterendie Tints dechpiettttfttc t Mla rar be ebb ¢ (enue he it + no . ‘) Piatt sa Fen erect ; a Mepalge bier tens " Steree aerate eta sone ages thats niacelia ive Deana heeevs jes bibbaia ies linge dt i ‘ potas totes tint Heijensdnu eye i pirat i iit hy bi bia - Leds bilneae senate Hit sal aaa pe he Beas fell i taheiss Tibindpoete Weileteod eds jsbeie: dpithatst: r a cdete nil oH Hw iratind) . fit , vin hater i tH ‘} sii cali ae y at Hh shai bai gfat ofotten dated “ ede Deval ist ster Hetistaits | wiles bailed of ieee ink it of 4 Fe bo hi rata it a hane obellmieie dats ions efierly belie dpe | sateen he ol i, epelie ded age, avele at deny ; shanti raiertns fs ae Male neday hans f Nat Fy ali ele a Ce (lett 4 I beet “ a i rive) GereGtikt Sia ; vei tt «| i niet Aedid| siege Ay ise iii Dah (iM t widllelenieher shot Yohe 4 (; aes te Pe Hideto